
Showing posts from April, 2020


I want to feel that fire in your love; an impatience to meet; an affection to keep me close; that heat which will melt my heart and hold it tight in . My heart is frozen safe and cold. You need to have warmth that can melt heart in ice cube. Have you ever played candy crush game, you need to break the ice cube while matching candies with various colors. You need to break the ice cubes. Than you can have candy . My heart is in that frozen cube. You need to know all the treats and tricks. You need to take me to that bonfire where I can feel warm and celebrate in open air. I want you to be that person who is heated by love to keep us warm rather than burn us into ashes. A fire in your heart will heat my heart and warmth in my heart will keep your charm. For now, all I feel is nothing but just an attempt to strike a fire . You are not able to convince with your this try. It is hard in ice cube. You need to work hard. There will always be conditions applied. Nothing is going to be free in...


I am married to man in option, not of my dream . He is very good man, well behaved and loves me. I am living my life. I am walking in aisle with baby product. I cannot hold it. I am sobbing in the floor like a tinny toddler crawling and demanding. My tears are rolling down my face. I am very upset with everything that is happening around me. I have discovered that I am pregnant. This is my very first time. I am still not ready with motherhood. But I have been demanding child with my husband every time we make love. Is it because of hormones disorder? In pregnancy, women goes through all mood swings existing in world. I don't want baby. I am not ready . I demand a baby while making love, it is to arouse myself. It helps both of us to cum fast. It was exciting to know that we were pregnant. Actually my husband believes that he is also pregnant. I didn't had my periods. I was three weeks late and he always withdraw it out. I was confident but I checked in pregnancy kit this morni...

Her Love Story

It is not my love story this time. I am writing about her. What she went through and what happened in her story? Whether it was love story or regular boring life of house wife. It is my mom. She is the house wife. She is married to disciplined man. He is hard working and simple living man. She has two children with him. She is living her life , the way usually the lady in her late forties does. Is her story interesting? There was beautiful girl in the city named Ajeeppur. She is a daughter of renowned businessman. She was smart and educated. She helped her father in all business activities. She was her father's favorite child. She was so beautiful that people would compare her to Princess of state. She was very happy with her beauty and intelligence. There was a guy in her neighborhood. He was handsome and studying medicine. They had a crush with one another. They could fell that slow wind that would blow their hair in air. They would look at each other and feel that romance in ...