I am sorry that I betray you and your love. I run from your love. I tried to love you but I could not lie. I was madly in love with someone else. I did my best to love you but I was not able to pretend it anymore. I am sorry for taking you for granted. I didn't want to waste your time nor mine. I couldn't give you explanation which you deserve. I regret for pretending of loving you but I will never regret of leaving you. It would be worst decision to be with you physically but loving someone else madly. After my emotional break down, I was in need of shoulder to lie down. I need to suppressed my grief with achievement. I declared that you are my achievement. In reality, you were my substitution. You were my way of hiding my grief. I didn't want myself to be in pain. I thought pain of loosing love is recovered by achieving new love. But pain needs time to recover rather than anything. I was in disturbance. I was scared that loosing him will hurt me. It hurt me and it is st...