Stop !!

Me: I love You.
He: I love you too.
Me: I love you more.
He: I love you more than you do to me.
Me: (STOP)

I loved, love and will love you. The definition of love for both of us is completely different. I loved you  in all aspects of my life. Whereas, your version of love is in spiritual. We have a spiritual connection with one another . We understand each other  in next level. I am that person in your life who understand you most likewise you were mine. If you love me than you are supposed not to hurt me. It hurts when the person who claims on loving you is the person who betrays your love. When you know the reason why I am sad than at least do something. Neither you belong to me nor do I belong to you. You have moved on in your life. Let me move on as well. Don't hold me. Let me fly high and disappear in a wild. You don't like depressed version of mine; you like energetic version . But you are the main reason that I am depressed. I already had lots of reasons to stay unhappy and you have given major reason in the world. I have everything that I need to survive. I have learnt how to survive without you. Your phone calls bother me. Your claim on loving me tortures me. It makes me more depressed. Do me a favor . Please ! stop calling me. Please ! stop wondering what am i doing in my life? Please! If you cannot help me in my pain than don't spice it with your love. Yes! I want to congratulate you that You have been successful on making me Unhappy Person in the world. Congratulation on being successful reason to make me sad. Stop having fun on breaking peace of my mind. It is painful my love. I hope you will never go through this pain in your life. I have anxiety, hormonal disorder, depression and high pulse rate. Please don't give me stroke  with your love. Please! let me be where I am and whatever I am doing.
Stop! hurting me in the name of loving me.


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